Objective: Legal analysis of the regulations that impact the development of the activities of the national logistics sector.
Objective: Contribute to the continuous improvement of the competitiveness and positioning of the logistics sector as a set of activities with an impact on the Panamanian economy based on technologies and digital modernization.
Objective: To encourage the participation of the private sector in strategic alliances with the State, to promote the implementation of good practices and improvements in favor of the transport sector.
Objective: Promote the participation of our members in promoting ideas and projects that focus on the creation and modernization of educational issues in the national logistics sector.
Objective: To provide contributions and initiatives that serve as a guide to projects in favor of encouraging the export of national products from the hand of the entire national logistics sector.
El Consejo Empresarial Logístico (COEL) está comprometido con el desarrollo de la plataforma de servicios logísticos multimodales del país.
© 2020, COEL Panamá | Todos los derechos reservados.
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